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About 6 years ago, when the allopathic medical system provided only a Band-Aid relief to my chronic health challenges, I decided to seek solutions in yogic science and holistic nutrition.  In 2013, I became a Certified Holistic Nutritionist and a Certified Hatha Yoga Teacher.  After incorporating the knowledge and the wisdom from these two holistic disciplines, I was amazed to see certain chronic health conditions disappearing and my mind becoming more balanced. 


My health transformation along with my newly acquired knowledge in the field of holistic health both inspired and empowered me to help others.  That is how my health and wellness practice was born in 2013!  As part of my continuing commitment to health, wellness, and inner well-being, I update my knowledge by attending various lectures and enrolling in studies related to digestive health and yoga.  In 2015, in my quest to finding a deeper aspect of Yoga, I went through a 5-month intense training process in Classical Hatha Yoga under the guidance of Sadhguru in India.  This transformative process not only deepened my understanding of Yoga as a profound science to create my life the way I wanted it, but it also helped to reach a certain level of equanimity and freedom within myself. 


In December 2018, I completed a program called Culinary Nutrition Expert at the Academy of Culinary Nutrition, which helped to take my passion for cooking (wholesome meals from scratch) to the next level.  The program unleashed the creative potentials within me and enabled me to experiment with various healthy recipes while deepening my love for using food as medicine.


As I continue to support people in their efforts to experience the joy of being truly well, I am so humbled to hear of the transformation taking place in those who have been touched through my wellness practice. 


Cooking, holistic nutrition, and yoga are three things that I live and breathe.  My passion is in inspiring, empowering, and supporting you to discover how resilient your body and mind are in generating vibrant health and inner wellbeing, all from within. 


SERVICES: Classical Hatha Yoga Workshops (private and group), Cooking workshops (private and group), Recipe/Menu development, One-on-one Holistic Nutrition Consult using an integrative approach (holistic nutrition, yogic science, culinary nutrition).


FREE OFFERINGS: 20-min nutritional consult and a 1-hour free intro yoga class.   


In health and well-being,


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